December 17, 2009

Dream Synchronicity based on 2012 dreams

Last night I had a dream. Admittedly it is a bit liminal. So I wasn't sure if I should post it here. However when I started to read my emails this morning, I saw that a lady had sent me a dream she had last night. What made me decide to post both my dream and this woman's dream here is because they both are... intimately connected. We call this shared dreaming or dream synchronicity.

The thing with this phenomenon of shared dreaming is that what it means is that we were in the same dream. Technically speaking this means that it is likely that this is not, technically speaking, only a dream anymore in the individual sense but has meaning to the collective. Therefore I feel I should publish it. Anyway, I will leave it at that for now and will post first my dream and than the woman's dream.

My dream (Dec. 17): "The world would stand still for a week. Shift. A new alignment. I felt the shift. Like a whole turn or rotation. Everything is paused for this. Aliens are taking over. But albeit at the same time a new system is coming out of it. I am being interviewed by a man in real time. Meaning that it is being broadcast as we speak. It's about what is happening; about what will come out of it...

...I said the elite will lose all their power. A new era has dawned. Those ready will move on. A take over is being attempted too but... Bodies are being snatched and used. I saw how this happens. But we are safe. There was a long list of questions on his paper. He asked about the implications for the Church...even about Jung...The interviewer also asked me on: (that) nuclear weapons to prevent war (balance). I said we will use them if we have them. They don't prevent.

...During the interview some kind of attack or approach is waged. Like some object or being approaches us in the air. The interview is done in the open air like next to a beach. The interviewer gets like uneasy, but I told him don't worry leave it; and the closer it came the more it dissipated and became a plastic-like toy head of a pig. (end of my dream).

I will now post the dream of the woman: "Dreamt about big alien ship. I was walking in a park covered with snow.Big alien ship appeared above. Little alien ships (looked like footballs, they're illuminating the dark park) started to fall down around me. I ran North, I heard a scream...

...I changed direction and turned south. Couldn't get away. I got lifted up in the air. I stayed hanging in air high above the ground. Woke up". (end of dream and post).

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